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  4. LEARN measures freight chain emissions
Fraktcontainer vid en hamn och EU-logga

LEARN measures freight chain emissions

Companies that measure their emissions are better able to make well-founded decisions that lead to increased efficiency and reductions of these emissions. The LEARN – Logistics Emissions Accounting and Reduction Network project aims to help companies reduce the climate impact of their global logistics chains.

The LEARN project improves and ramps up the pace of emissions cutbacks with the following four steps:

  • Support for companies through guidance, training and help with implementation of traceability and labelling
  • Testing and validation together with companies to address the practical applicability of reporting and verification
  • Decision support and research
  • Development of and participation in a broad network to stimulate the business sector’s efforts around emissions reporting and reduction

Project facts

  • Learn – Logistics Emissions Accounting and Reduction Network
  • Financed by: EU Horizon 2020, grant agreement number: 723 984
  • Partners: 13
  • Period: 2017 - 2019


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